Presentation Information

[22p-12N-9]Flux growth of fluoride single crystals using the micro-pulling-down method

〇(P)Vojtech Vanecek1,2,3, Takahiko Horiai1,4, Masao Yoshino1,4, Akihiro Yamaji1,4, Akira Yoshikawa1,4,5 (1.IMR, Tohoku Univ., 2.JSPS Fellow, 3.Inst. of Phys. AVCR, 4.NICHe, Tohoku Univ., 5.C&A corporation)


Single crystal,Fluorides,micro-pulling

The micro-pulling-down method is a powerful technique for the exploration of crystalline materials. It is a time and cost-effective technique that allows the growth of a broad spectrum of materials including metals, halides, and oxides. However, single crystal growth can be complicated by incongruent melting, phase transitions, or high volatility of components. Such problems can often be avoided by flux growth techniques. In the present contribution, I will report the growth of several fluoride compounds that benefit from the use of low melting flux. Furthermore, optical properties (absorbance, photoluminescence, radioluminescence, etc.) and possible application of such compounds as fast-timing scintillators will be discussed.