Presentation Information

[22p-61A-2]How can we inherit basic technology know-how and educating engineerss? Fosussing on batteries, plating and corrosion protection.

〇Yuichi Sato1 (1.Kanagawa Univ. Prof. Emeritus)


training of engineers,educational policy,batteries,plating,corrosion protection technology

For nearly 50 years, I have worked in four different workplaces, including as an asssistant at the Faculty of Science at a national university, at a major electronics manufacturer, at an affiliated company, and as a professor at the Faculty of Engineering at a private at a private university. I have consisitently conducted research and development in the fieled of electrochemistry specifically in the field of batteries, plating, and corrosion protection technology, and had the opportunity to interact with many superiors, colleagues, and nearly 400 students. In addition to the specific content of research and development, I will also discuss how to overcome crises in several situations I encountered during in this period, the traning of engineers, and the education policy for students.