Presentation Information

[22p-P03-16]Molecular dynamics simulation of the behavior of water wettability of the perovskite solar cell

〇Naomu Sekiguchi1, Kohei Takasaki1, Wang Q1, Yuta Tsuji1, Through M.A2, Satoshi Iikubo1 (1.Kyushu Univ, 2.Kyoto Univ)


perovskite solar cells,computational science

The power generation efficiency of perovskite solar cells has significant improved, positioning it comparably with silicon-based counterparts. However, challenges persist in scaling up the surface area of perovskite solar cells. In this study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to simulate the wettability of the interface. This study revealed a dependency of wettability on the adsorption state. This result suggests that MD simulations give an effective approach for enhancing deposition processes and yields.