Presentation Information

[23a-12H-8]The effect of the seed layer thickness on the electrical properties of (100) BiFeO3 epitaxial films

〇(DC)Aphayvong Sengsavang1, Kohei Takaki1, Meika Takagi1, Norifumi Fujimura1, Takeshi Yoshimura1 (1.Osaka Metro. Univ.)


Piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting,epitaxial film,BiFeO3

Epitaxial growth of BiFeO3 cause the domain wall contribution, which leads to a reduction in the relative permittivity, resulting in an improvement in the electromechanical properties. It was found that the crystal structure of BiFeO3 epitaxial film on Si substrate, depends on the thickness of the seed layer. Therefore, the electrical properties of BiFeO3 epitaxial film on LaNiO3 seed layer with different thickness will be discussed .