Presentation Information

[23a-12L-5]Changes in Up-conversion Characteristics in Polarity-Controlled Two-Step Photon Up-Conversion Solar Cells

〇Takuro Nishi1, Yuta Toyo1, Shigeo Asahi1, Takashi Kita1 (1.Kobe Univ.)


Solar Cellls

We have proposed Two-step Photon Up-Conversion Sollar Cells(TPU-SC) that surpass
the theoretical conversion efficiency of single-junction solar cells. In previous studies, we
achieved an increase in photocurrent due to additional infrared laser irradiation in the n-i-
p structures, promoting electron up-conversion. Currently, in the p-i-n structure aimed at
further improving collection efficiency of holes, a reduction in photocurrent due to
additional infrared laser irradiation has been observed. To elucidate this mechanism,
we conducted comparisons between two polarities of TPU-SCs.