Presentation Information

[23a-12P-4]Temporal evolution analysis of the synchronization phenomenon of the Josephson plasma emitter of Bi2212

〇(M1)Masashi Miyamoto1, Ryota Kobayashi1, Nozomi Yagyu1, Genki Kuwano2, Manabu Tsujimoto2, Itsuhiro Kakeya1 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.AIST)


Josephson effect,terahertz wave,superconductivity

The Josephson plasma emitter is a terahertz light source with a characteristic that the bias voltage and radiation frequency are proportional. By modulating the bias voltage, our group succeeded in frequency modulating the radiated terahertz waves. In our talk, we will show experimental results obtained by finely changing the frequency of the applied modulating voltage and discuss the time evolution of the Josephson junction synchronization phenomenon.