Presentation Information

[23a-12P-6]Electrical control of YBCO Josephson junctions made by He-FIB

〇Tetsuro Misawa1, Tomoaki Nozaki1,2, Shigeyuki Ishida1, Shinichi Ogawa1, Yukinori Morita1, Hiroshi Eisaki1, Shin-ichi Uchida3, Taichiro Nishio2, Chiharu Urano1 (1.AIST, 2.Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 3.Tokyo Univ.)


superconductivity,high critical temperature superconductor,helium ion microscope

In recent developments, the fabrication of tunnel barriers for YBCO Josephson junctions has become achievable through the irradiation of a thin film sample with a focused helium ion beam. In the context of Josephson junction arrays, it is of great importance to produce multiple junctions with uniform characteristics but fully suppressing fluctuations in YBCO properties is challenging. Therefore, achieving precise control over the properties of each junction is favored. In this study, we attempted to control the characteristic properties of YBCO junctions through the application of high current.