Presentation Information

[23a-13M-4]A new method to measure the wettability of micro/nanostructured surfaces using
laser-induced microbubbles

Keisuke Sota1, Siniya Mondal1, Kota Ando1, Yoshiharu Uchimoto1, 〇Takashi Nakajima1 (1.Kyoto Univ.)


bubble wettability,structured substrate,laser-induced microbubble

Similar to droplet wettability on a substrate, bubble wettability is one of the important data for various applications. But the technique to create a single microbubble with a desired size has not been established. We have developed a new technique to create a single microbubble using a laser, and apply it to the measurement of bubble wettability on structured metal substrates. In this presentation, we report on the outline and characteristics of the developed device for the bubble wettability measurements, and sow some data for the wettability of various kinds pof gases on the polished and structured metal surfaces.