Presentation Information

[23a-13N-5]Comprehensive interpretation of luminescence lifetime and intensity in metals

〇Tohru Suemoto1, Haruki Morino1, Tsuyoshi Okuno1, Shota Ono2, Takeshi Suzuki3, Kozo Okazaki3, Shuntaro Tani3, Yohei Kobayashi3 (1.Univ. Electro-Communications, 2.IMR Tohoku Univ., 3.ISSP Univ. Tokyo)



We measured time-evolution of the femtosecond luminescence in 15 kinds of elemental metals including simple, noble and transition metals. The time-evolution curves are decomposed into a quasi-instantaneous and an exponentially decaying component to evaluate decay rate. The results are compared with a prediction based on two-temperature model, where electron-phonon coupling constants, lambda <omega2>, are calculated using Eliashberg function derived by ab-initio calculation. The results show that all the metals, excepting Be, distribute near the theoretical prediction.