Presentation Information

[23a-22C-3]Vinylene-Bridged Bis(difluoroquinoxaline)-Based Semiconducting Polymers: Effect of Solubilizing Groups on Their Solar Cell Performance

〇Rin Kotani1, Hiroki Yamane1, Hiroki Mori2, Yasushi Nishihara2 (1.Grad. Sch. of Environ., Life, Nat. Sci. and Tech., Okayama Univ., 2.RIIS, Okayama Univ.)


semiconducting polymers,organic solar cells,conjugated polymers

To enhance the photovoltaic properties of organic solar cells utilizing vinylene-bridged bis(difluoroquinoxaline) (FQxE)-terthiophene copolymers, we synthesized new FQxE-based polymers featuring diverse solubilizing groups. Furthermore, we examined the effect of alkyl side chain length on the physicochemical properties, thin-film structure, and photovoltaic performance in non-fullerene organic solar cells.