Presentation Information

[23a-22C-9]Study of band diagram for realization of PbS quantum dot superlattice solar cells

〇(B)Yuya Sato1, Nozomu Yoshikuni1, Seiya Ikeda2, Ibuki Masuda2, Kenichi Shudo1,2, Kohki Mukai1,2 (1.College of Engineering Science, Yokohama National Univ., 2.Graduate School of Engineering Science, Yokohama National Univ.)


quantum dot,solar cell,PYSA (Photoemission Yield Spectroscopy in Air) measurement

In order to realize PbS quantum dot superlattice solar cells, the band diagram was investigated. By using PYSA (Photoemission Yield Spectroscopy in Air) measurements, a band diagram different from the previously known evaluation results in vacuum was revealed. Combined with KFM (Kelvin Force Microscopy) and UPS ( Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy) measurements, the band state of this new type of solar cell in air has been clarified.