Presentation Information

[23a-P05-4]1550 nm band light generation in single-mode erbium-ytterbium co-doped optical fiber using mirror-collected solar lighting system

〇(B)TAKUMA NOMURA1, KAZUYA TAKIMOTO1,3, YUTO KIYOTA1, SHINKI NAKAMURA2, HIROAKI HURUSE3, Fatemeh Abrishamian1 (1.Kitami Inst, 2.Ibaraki Univ. Faculty of Eng, 3.NIMS)


Erbium-ytterbium codoped optical fiber (EYDF),Optical amplifier,Solar pumped laser

Recently, a single-mode core highly concentrated erbium-ytterbium codoped optical fiber (SM-EYDF) has been developed as a signal light amplifier that can more efficiently pump light in the 1550 nm band used in optical communications. Although we succeeded in generating light in the 1550 nm band by injecting sunlight into this structure, there was a problem that the emitted light was small. In this research, we used a solar lighting system different from those used in the past, and used solar excitation. We report the results of our efforts to increase the emitted light in the 1550 nm band.