Presentation Information

[23a-P08-5]HAXPES measurement system for the all-solid-state Li-ion battery under operation conditions at the BL46XU beamline of SPring-8

〇Okkyun Seo1, Satoshi Yasuno1, Yasuhiro Suzuki2, Yasutoshi Iriyama2 (1.JASRI, 2.Nagoya Univ.)


HAXPES,All-solid-state Li ion battery

Many battery researchers in both fields are looking towards all-solid-state Li-ion batteries as the future of the battery market, due to their superior energy density and thermal stability. However, the biggest challenge facing all-solid-state Li-ion batteries is the degradation and instability of battery performance at the interface between cathode materials and solid electrolytes. Therefore, it is crucial to observe and understand the interface, where ionic separation, electron movement, and phase transitions of cathode and electrolyte occur within the battery during the charging-discharging process.
We performed the operando HAXPES measurements under reaction conditions to observe the instability of all-solid-state Li-ion batteries. First of all, we used the standard all-solid-state Li-ion battery cells of Al (collector) - LiCoO2 (cathode) - LATP (solid electrolyte) – Fe2(MoO4)3 (anode). To observe the operando HAXPES spectra, the samples were attached to the special sample holder for applied bias. Samples were prepared in a glove box to avoid water and oxygen exposure. The prepared sample holder was transferred to the HAXPES chamber using a transfer vessel maintained under Ar gas. The standard battery cell connects to the manipulator and can also connect to the potentiostat via BNC cables.
There is no specific change in Al 1s spectra during the operation. Co 2p spectra move to low binding energy at 1.2 V and peak broadening at Re 0V. For O 1s spectra, the Al part of 532.5 eV is not changed while the Co part moved to low binding energy at 1.2 V and peak broadening at Re 0V. It means that the Al is not changed during the charging and discharging, while the cathode part of LCO is altered. In conclusion, our operando HAXPES system has observed the standard battery cells under the operation conditions.