Presentation Information

[23p-11F-15]Effects of Plasmon Coupling on Chiroptical Responses of Chiral Ag Nanoparticle Arrays

〇(M2)Shuki Kuroki1, Takuya Ishida1, Tetsu Tatsuma1 (1.IIS, the Univ. of Tokyo)


chiral nanofabrication,nanofabrication,chiral shaping

We have developed a fabrication method for chiral nanostructure arrays by irradiation of anisotropic plasmonic nanoparticles with circularly polarized light. Although this method is cost-effective, attenuation of the resultant chiroptical responses due to structural inhomogeneity remains a challenge. We addressed the issue by FDTD simulation and concluded that it is possible to improve or enhance the weak chiroptical responses due to low enantiomeric excess or low chiral purity, by taking advantage of plasmon coupling between the nanostructures.