Presentation Information

[23p-12A-6]Fundamental numerical study on TIE detection of complex-amplitude-modulated signal beam partially coherently reconstructed in holographic data storage

〇(M1)Tomohiro Nishimura1, Masatoshi Bunsen2, Shinta Sakaguchi2, Souto Niino2 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng., Fukuoka Univ., 2.Fac. of Eng., Fukuoka Univ.)


holographic data storage,complex-amplitude-modulation,partially coherent beam

In this study, it is shown that complex-amplitude-modulated signal beam recorded by coherent reference beam in a holographic memory can be reconstructed by partially coherent reference beam, and its complex amplitude can be detected by the Transport of Intensity Equation method via numerical simulation of hologram recording and reconstruction using the fast Fourier transform beam propagation method.