Presentation Information

[23p-12C-10]Probing OH stretching mode in intracellular vacuole-like structures using CARS spectroscopic imaging

〇(D)Zuliang Hu1, Kyota Shirane1, Kota Aramaki1, Ryosuke Oketani1, Ayami Matsushima1, Kano Hideaki1 (1.Kyushu Univ.)


coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering,raman,cell

Using a supercontinuum light as the Stokes light source for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectroscopic imaging, we are able to observe a wide spectral range of OH stretching vibration bands. In this study, wevisualized water molecules inside cells. This research focused on studying vacuole-like structures formed inside cells under hypo-osmotic stress.