Presentation Information

[23p-12C-12]Signal reconstruction in dispersion-tuned swept laser OCT using compressed sensing

〇Yuki Katsutani1, Takuma Shirahata1, Shinji Yamashita1, Set Sze Yun1 (1.RCAST Tokyo Univ.)


optical fiber,OCT

Compressed sensing (CS) is a technique to reconstruct a target signal from a very small number of samples. In this study, we applied CS to dispersion-tuned swept laser -OCT (DTSL-OCT) to reduce the number of sampling points required for image reconstruction. Although previous studies have shown that CS can be applied to DTSL-OCT for image reconstruction, the results were only qualitatively evaluated. Therefore, in this study, we conducted simulations and experiments, and evaluated quantitatively using the Mean Squared Error (MSE) between theoretical values and measured values.