Presentation Information

[23p-12C-13]Development and application of single-cell 3D optogenetics technology

〇Tomoyoshi Inoue1, Ryuki Imamura1, Naoya Kataoka2, Shin Usuki3, Takuma Sugi1 (1.Hiroshima Univ., 2.Nagoya Univ., 3.Shizuoka Univ.)


light-field imaging,3D imaging,Optogenetics

A specific memory arises from unique spatiotemporal neural activity patterns in a 3D neural circuit. Understanding what and how the spatiotemporal patterns encode memories requires recording and reproducing the neural activity patterns at single-cell and millisecond temporal resolutions. Here, we developed single-cell 3D optogenetics technology based on high-resolution light-field microscopy and selective holographic illumination technique. Our microscopy allows us to extract XYZ coordinates of neurons from 2D light-field image without 3D reconstruction. A phase hologram calculated from the XYZ coordinates generated focal points and excited fluorescent cells in 3D neural circuits of C. elegans (in vivo) at single-cell resolution.