Presentation Information

[23p-13M-1][The 55th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Multi-timescale Time-Resolved Complex Optical Field Imaging of Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Processing of Dielectrics

〇Shotaro Kawano1, Keiichiro Toda1, Haruyuki Sakurai1, Kuniaki Konishi1, Takuro Ideguchi1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo)


femtosecond pulsed laser processing,time-resolved complex optical field imaging,ablation dynamics

We report on implementing a multi-timescale time-resolved complex optical field imaging system for observing femtosecond pulsed laser ablation of dielectrics over a wide time domain. A femtosecond pump light source and nanosecond probe light source were electronically synchronized, where the light emission timing could be controlled by altering the delay between synchronization signals. In this way, the temporal delay range was improved to over hundreds of microseconds, allowing us to image not only the ablation process, but energy relaxation paths, such as stress release or thermal diffusion after material ablation.