Presentation Information

[23p-13M-14]Rapid Fabrication of Numerous Glass Micro-channels by Ultrafast Laser for Statistical Analysis of Cell Migration

〇(P)Jiawei Zhang1, Kotaro Obata1, Koji Sugioka1 (1.RIKEN)


Bessel Beam,Glass,Microfluidics

Observation of cell migration is essential for the understanding of various physiological processes. Although microscopic dynamics of cell migration have been demonstrated in many research works, most of them use micro-channels in a planar direction, which limits the density of fabricated channels and the number of cells that can be analyzed simultaneously. Here we use ultrafast laser processing technique to fabricate large-scale through hole (size ~ 1 micron) array in glass substrates. In our setup, ultrafast Bessel pulses are directed while continuously translating the glass substrate, so that laser pulse modifies local structure and chemical properties from top to bottom surface in a single shot with high aspect ratio. The fabrication rate of through glass modification is determined by the repetition rate of pulse laser which can be on the order of thousands per second. After chemical treatment, large number of through holes (hundreds of thousands) can be formed in a compact area in glass substrates. Such a device is expected to be used for accurate statistical analysis of cell migration rate.