Presentation Information

[23p-13P-6]Temperature distribution simulations inside Cr:LiSAF DFC chip for high power tunable emission in 800-850 nm range

〇(P)Florent Cassouret1, Takunori Taira1,2 (1.Inst. for Molecular Science, 2.Riken Spring-8 Center)


visible laser,Cr:LiSAF,Thermal simulation

We present a novel Distributed Face Cooling (DFC) chip based on interlayer surface activated (il-SAB) bounding at room temperature of Cr3+:LiSrAlF6 (Cr:LiSAF) and high thermal conductivity Sapphire in order to power scale the broadband visible emission of Cr:LiSAF. Preliminary calculations reveals an over 7 time improvement of effective thermal conductivity of the DFC chip (17.5 W/mK) compared to Cr:LiSAF bulk (2.5 W/mK), resulting in better thermal management inside the gain medium even under 100 W diode pumping at 675 nm. Simulations shows a drastic drop of Cr:LiSAF temperature inside the DFC chip (47°C) compared to same gain length bulk crystal (260°C) in the same pumping conditions. Using linear plano-concave laser cavity (1 % output coupler mirror with 100 mm curvature), over 44 W laser output power can be expected at 810 nm with a laser threshold of 16.1 W using the designed DFC chip.