Presentation Information

[23p-1BC-1][The 55th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Chiral nonlinear optical response with large anisotropy in two-dimensional halide perovskite

〇Daichi Okada1, Fumito Araoka1 (1.RIKEN CEMS)


nonlinear optical response,chiral organic-inorganic halide perovskite,Circular polarized light

The chiral organic-inorganic halide perovskites (OIHPs) are vital candidates for superior nonlinear optical (NLO) effects associated with circularly polarized (CP) light. NLO in chiral materials often couples with magnetic dipole (MD) transition, as well as the conventional electric dipole (ED) transition. However, the importance of MD in NLO process of chiral OIHPs has not yet been well recognized. Here, the analysis of second harmonic generation circular dichroism (SHG-CD) provides the direct evidence that the MD contribution leads to a large anisotropic response to CP lights in a chiral OIHP, (R-/S-MBACl)2PbI4. The thin film exhibits great sensitivity to CP light over a wide wavelength range with g-factors reaching up to 1.57 as maximum. Furthermore, it is also effective as CP light generator, outputting CP-SHG with g-factors being comparable with that of SHG-CD upon the linearly polarized fundamental light. This study deepens the understanding of the magneto-optical NLO processes in chiral systems.