Presentation Information

[23p-1BC-15]Photoluminescence quantum yield of ASnX3-type perovskite quantum dots by Alkali-Metal surface modification

〇Yusaku Morikawa1, Soki Sato1, Satoshi Asakura2, Takayuki Chiba3,4, Akito Masuhara1,4 (1.Grad. Sch. of Sci. and Eng., Yamagata Univ., 2.Ise Chem. Corp., 3.Grad. Sch. of Org. Mat. Sci., Yamagata Univ., 4.FROM, Yamagata Univ.)


Perovskite,Quantum dot,Lead free

APbX3-type Perovskite quantum dots (PeQDs) have attracted attention as light emitting materials for next-generated displays due to their high optical properties. On the other hand, Pb-PeQDs are a significant barrier to practical application due to their content of high toxic Pb, which regulated by the RoHS Directive. Therefore, ASnX3-type PeQDs (Sn-PeQDs) with low toxicity have attracted attention as substitute material of Pb-PeQDs. However, Sn-PeQDs have a significant issue, as only a notably low PLQY (0.5%) have achieved.
In this study, Sn-PeQDs were successfully surface modified by using alkali metals. As a result, this improved the binding energy of the A and X sites at the particle surface and suppressed the formation of surface defects, thereby improving the PLQY.