Presentation Information

[23p-1BC-8]WGM Microcavity Composed of Singlet Fission Materials

〇Kyosuke Togawa1, Tomoki Mikajiri1, Hiroyuki Tajima1, Yoshihito Tanaka1, Tomoyuki Koganezawa2, Tomotaka Nakatani2, Takeshi Komino1 (1.Grad Sch. Sci., Univ. Hyogo., 2.JASRI)


WGM,singlet fission,microcavity

We have fabricated and characterized WGM microcavities conposed of singlet fission materials, and found that the optical properties of the microcavities depend on the atmosphere. Furthermore, since we found that the atmosphere dependence may depend on the crystal polymorphism of the singlet fission material, we investigated the crystal structure of the singlet fission material in the thin film form.