Presentation Information

[23p-32A-1]Quantum Hall effect in graphene transferred by water-soluble transfer sheet (PVA) and home-use laminator

〇Kyoichi Suzuki1, Ryo Ichiki1, Satoshi Kitazaki1, Yui Ogawa2 (1.Fukuoka Inst. Tech., 2.NTT BRL, NTT Corp.)


Graphene transfer,PVA,Laminator

High-quality, large-area graphene obtained by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using metal foil as a catalyst requires transfer from the metal foil to an insulating substrate for device applications. We aim to establish a simple and harmless transfer method. Here, we transferred CVD-grown graphene onto a SiO2/Si substrate using a commercially available water-soluble transfer sheet and a home-use laminator. Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillations were observed in electrical measurement at low temperatures. This method achieves graphene transfer while maintaining high-quality.