Presentation Information

[23p-P01-11]Phase imaging using low coherence X-ray sources

〇Aoi Onishi1, Kenichi Nisaka1, Keisuke Kato1, Fujikazu Kitamura1, Sota Chatani2, Kenta Horide2, Toshiyuki Okayama2 (1.SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd., 2.SCREEN Advanced System Solutions Co., Ltd.)


Coherent diffractive imaging,X-ray phase imaging,Information photonics

Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) is one of the X-ray-based phase imaging techniques, but it is difficult to be realized in a laboratory environment because it needs high coherence X-rays, which are generally available at synchrotron radiation facilities. We introduced PhysenNet to CDI. It can reconstruct phase images by combining deep learning and physical models. And we verified the feasibility of phase imaging using a low-coherence X-ray source by simulation.