Presentation Information

[24a-P03-1]Estimation of skin tissue parameters using heat map in data mining

〇rei Nishimura1, hikaru Tamura1, atsumu Miyatsu1, tomonori Yuasa1, kumiko kikuchi2, yoshihisa Aizu1 (1.Muroran Inst., 2.Shiseido Co. Ltd., MIRAI Tech. Inst.)


heat map,spectral reflectance,Monte Carlo simulation

Physiological changes in the skin alter optical properties such as absorption coefficient, which affect spectral reflectance. Spectral reflectance has been studied using light propagation simulations based on a 9-layer skin model. To understand skin conditions, it is useful to estimate skin tissue parameters from spectral reflectance obtained by data mining. In this study, we have developed a new method for estimating skin tissue parameters using heat maps. We confirmed the usefulness of the new method by comparing it with conventional methods.