Presentation Information

[24a-P03-5]Circular polarization measurement of transmitted and scattered light

〇(B)Yutaro Utsumi1, Asato Esumi1, Yukito Ganko1, Nozomi Nishizawa1 (1.Kitasato Univ.)


Circularly polarized light,Optical biopsy,Light scattering

Degree of circular depolarization of light scattered from biological tissues provides structural
information of cell nuclei as scatterers. Using this technique, we examined the detection-angle
dependences of degree of circular polarization of light scattered from healthy and cancerous tissues
in the transparent-type optical configurations. The significant differences in degree of circular
polarization between tissues are obtained independent of intensity behaviors. These results indicate
that this technique can be applied to not only in vivo but also ex vivo optical biopsy.