Presentation Information

[24p-11F-20]Plasmonic exceptional point sensor using eigen polarization states of Jones matrix

〇Yuto Moritake1, Daiki Kawasaki2, Takuo Tanaka2,3, Masaya Notomi1,4,5 (1.Tokyo Tech, 2.RIKEN, 3.Tokushima Univ., 4.NTT NPC, 5.NTT BRL)


Non-Hermitian system,Plasmon sensor,Metamaterials

In recent years, research on singularities called exception points (EPs) peculiar to non-Hermitian systems has been active. Especially, an EP sensor has attracted much attention because it realizes a high-sensitivity sensor in a small perturbation region by utilizing the sensitivity of the EP state. While conventional EP sensors perform sensing by obtaining changes in resonance frequency, we propose a new type of EP sensor that uses the eigenpolarization state of Jones matrix.