Presentation Information

[24p-11F-7]Visualization of Quantum Coherent State in a Monolayer of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide on an All-Dielectric Metasurface

〇Masanobu Iwanaga1, Xu Yang1, Karanikolas Vasilios1, Kuroda Takashi1, Sakuma Yoshiki1 (1.NIMS)


all-dielectric metasurface,2D monolayer material,transition metal dichalcogenide

We experimentally found prominent enhancement of excition luminescence in WS2 monolayer of cm2 dimendion, transferred on all-dielectric metasufaces. Furthermore, we acuquired laser-scanning confocal luminescence images from the monolayer and conducted the analysis for photon number distributions. The results are reported.