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[24p-12B-5]Study on natural iodine isotope system 2

〇Hiroyuki Matsuzaki1, Miwako Toya1, Yuanzhi Qi1, Takeyasu Yamagata1, Kazuho Horiuchi2 (1.MALT Tokyo Univ., 2.Hirosaki Univ.)


Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,Iodine 129,Antarctic ice

In modern world, the iodine isotope system (129I/127I) is controlled mainly by the anthropogenic 129I. To apply iodine isotope system to dating and index of paleo intensity of comic ray, the impact of anthropogenic 129I to the iodine isotope system must be evaluated exactly. For this purpose, we analyzed iodine isotopes in the surface snow ice samples collected from Antarctica.