Presentation Information

[24p-P02-1]Monte Carlo Simulation of Quantum Sensing with Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in Diamond

〇Tomoki Ota1, Daiki Saito1, Akirabha Chanuntranont1, Masato Tsugawa1, Yuto Miyake1, Tatsuya Kuroki1, Ken Sekiguchi1, Takahiro Shinada2, Hiroshi Kawarada1, Takashi tanii1 (1.Waseda Univ., 2.CIES Tohoku Univ.)


Nitrogen-Vacancy center,Color center,Quantum heterodyne

The excellent electron spin properties of nitrogen-vacancy centers (NV centers) in diamond make them promising for applications in local alternating magnetic field measurements. In this study, we focus on the quantum heterodyne method based on XY8-k (k=6), known as Qdyne, and calculate how its signal-to-noise ratio and frequency resolution change with variations in the amplitude and phase of the applied alternating magnetic field.