Presentation Information

[25a-11F-1]3D Inverse Analysis of Near-Field Light Generated on a Plasmonic Nanoslit I: Yukawa Potential Approach

〇Sa Syou1, Tomohiro Iwashita1, Jinhui Yuan1, Haruhiko Ito1 (1.Tokyo Inst.)



We are developing an analysis method with Yukawa potential to estimate the curvature radius of nanostructure cross-section from the intensity profile of near-field light obtained by SNOM measurements. The Yukawa-potential analysis of double-peaked near-field light associated with SPP excited on a metal-coated nanoslit has found out the correlation function between the curvature radius of the slit edge and the peak position so far. The near-field light intensity is evaluated from the Hamiltonian density calculated by integrating the Yukawa potential due to an electric dipole moment (EDM) appearing on the edge arc surface perpendicular to the slit, where the EDM distribution is given by FDTD simulations. This time, in order to increase the analysis accuracy, we make the Yukawa-potential analysis including the EDM distribution in the longitudinal direction of the slit.