Presentation Information

[25a-12B-6]Optimization of Δfrep in mechanical-shared dula refractive-index-sensing optical comb

〇Masayuki Higaki1, Shogo Miyamura1, Shuji Taue2, Yu Tokizane3, Eiji Hase3, Takeo Minamikawa3,4, Takeshi Yasui3 (1.Grad. Sch. Sci. Tech. Innov. Sci. Tokushima Univ., 2.Koch Univ. Tech., 3.pLED, Tokushima Univ, 4.Grad. Sch. Engg., Osaka Univ.)


Optical Frequency Comb,Refractive Index Sensing

Active dummy temperature compensation using a mechanical-shared dual optical comb has been proposed as a method to reduce temperature drift, which is a factor that hinders highly accurate measurement in refractive index sensing optical combs. In this study, we investigate the dependence of Δfrep in refractive index sensing optical comb with active dummy temperature compensation using a mechanical-shared dual optical comb, and examine its optimal value.