Presentation Information

[25a-31B-6]Robust Molecular Recognition of Aldehydes via Slow Auto-Oxidizations on Surfaces of Nanostructured ZnO QCM Sensors

〇(M2)Junning ZHANG1, Jiangyang Liu1, Wataru Tanaka1, Takuro Hosomi1, Tsunaki Takahashi1, Takeshi Yanagida1,2 (1.Univ. Tokyo, 2.Kyushu Univ.)


QCM sensor,slow auto-oxidization,molecular recognition

Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) has shown their great potentials for sensing various analytes. In the applications to gas sensors for volatile organic molecules (VOCs), various organic materials have been employed and modified onto the QCM sensor surfaces to design and create the molecular selectivity utilizing different molecular interactions. However, such organic surface modifications have faced their inherent limitations for robust artificial olfactory sensors due to their vulnerability. Here, we propose a novel robust molecular selective sensing methodology by utilizing “slow auto-oxidizations” on surfaces of nanostructured ZnO QCM sensors for various aliphatic aldehydes. We found that nanostructured ZnO QCM sensors detect auto-oxidization behaviors of aliphatic aldehydes even at room temperature. Although such surface auto-oxidizations on QCM sensor surfaces have been detrimental as “good” sensors due to the difficulties in recovering process, this study intentionally utilizes such undesirable effects in previous works to discriminate molecular signatures of similar aliphatic aldehydes. In addition, we have validated that this proposed method can be repeatably performed on robust nanostructured ZnO surfaces.