Presentation Information

[25a-31B-8]Effect of Partial Exfoliation of Carbon Nanotubes on the Structural and Electrical Properties

〇(D)Raghunath Sahoo1, Ramaprabhu Sundara1, Subramanian Venkatachalam1 (1.Indian Institute of Technology Madras)


Nanosheets and Nanotubes,Raman Spectra Studies,Electrical Properties

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted the curiosity of scientists due to their superior electrical, mechanical, and thermal capabilities. This study describes the synthesis of partly exfoliated carbon nanotubes (PECNTs) via controlled chemical oxidation and subsequent reduction. The time of chemical oxidation and reduction is adjusted from 5 to 80 mins to investigate the effect of partial exfoliation on the structure of CNTs. Morphological investigations through FESEM and HRTEM images confirm the unraveling of a few 1D nanotubes into 2D nanoribbons, keeping the inner CNT core intact. The intensity and areal ratio of an extra shoulder XRD peak surrounding the main carbon peak suggest the presence of amorphous carbon nanosheets and the likely contribution of defects. Furthermore, Raman spectra show broadened D, G, and 2D bands. In addition, further bands in the spectra, D' and D+D', can be attributed to the presence of extremely disordered and defect-induced nanosheets. The electrical characteristics of PECNTs are studied using PVDF polymer composites. 10 wt.% PECNT-PVDF composite has a high electrical conductivity value of 15.6 S/cm in an insulating PVDF matrix due to the densely linked nanotube and nanosheet structure. Furthermore, the electrical conductivity values can be modified by altering the exfoliation period, with PECNT produced after 60 mins exhibiting the optimal properties. Tunable structural and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes can provide significant advantages in multi-functional applications.