Presentation Information

[25a-P01-25]Ultrastrong-coupled magnon-polaritons in magnetochiral meta-molecule

〇(B)Kentaro Mita1, Toshiyuki Kodama1, Takahiro Chiba1, Hidefumi Yasuda2, Yuki Motoda2, Tetsuya Ueda2, Satoshi Tomita1 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.Kyoto Inst. Tech.)


magnon polaritons,metamaterial,ultra-strong coupling

A strong-coupled magnon polaritons is essential for the applications in effective quantum information transfer. In our previous work, the numerical calculations of a magnetic chiral meta-molecule composed of a copper helix structure and a ferrite rod showed an ultra-strong coupling between magnons and photons. In this study, the microwaves transmission properties of the meta-molecules with an external magnetic field were experimentally observed, which revealed ultra-strong coupling of the magnons in the ferrite and the photons through the helix structure.