Presentation Information

[25p-12E-6]Study on the effects of in vivo metals activation for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

〇(M2)Mizuki Aramaki1, Noriyosu Hayashizaki2, Mai Murase3, Kazunori Nitta4, Hironori Nagata4, Ryoichi Notake5 (1.Tokyo Tech, 2.IIR, Tokyo Tech, 3.TMDU, 4.SKGH, 5.TMDU Hospital)


BNCT,Activation,Dental material

Metals are sometimes present in human bodies, such as in implants for dental treatment and bone fracture treatment, but the irradiation effects by radiotherapy have not been investigated in detail. In dental treatment, alloys such as gold, silver, and titanium are used as dental materials for coronal restoration and implants. This study will clarify the radiation effects on human bodies when these materials are activated by neutron irradiation in boron neutron capture therapy.