Presentation Information

[25p-12H-6]Quantitative of structural in DLC films II: A hydrogen content measured by
RBS/ERDA technique

〇(D)Thitikorn Chamchuang1, Tsuneo Suzuki2, Keiji Komatsu1, Hidetoshi Saitoh1 (1.Nagaoka University of Technology, 2.Extreme Energy-Density Research Institute Nagaoka University of Technology)


DLC films,RBS/ERDA,Hydrogen content

Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films represent a category of amorphous carbon film highly acknowledged for outstanding mechanical, electronical, optical, and chemical properties, adaptation them industry applications. These films are composed of both pure carbon or a combination of carbon and hydrogen, with C atoms forming both sp2 and sp3 bonds inside the film structure. H assumes an important as a stabilizer with sp3 hybridization, contributing to the termination of dangling bond through C−H bonds. The accurate balance between sp2 and sp3 bonding, as well as the content of H, serves as a critical determinant of the film performance. In this study, the hydrogen content was investigated in DLC films synthesized using various deposition techniques by employing the highly accurate Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) technique, particularly Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) and Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA), to provide valuable insights into optimizing the performance of the films.