Presentation Information

[25p-31B-7]Long-range Ordered CsPbBr3 Quantum Dots Superlattice Film

〇Kazushi Enomoto1, Yong-Jin Pu1 (1.RIKEN CEMS)


quantum dot,superlattice,self-assembly

Cesium lead halide perovskite CsPbX3 quantum dots (PeQDs) have potential applications in optical and electronic devices. In superlattices (SLs) with regularly repeating periodic structures of PeQDs and surface ligands, superfluorescence has been reported, in which PeQDs in multiple excited states cooperate collectively and emit spontaneously. For real device applications, it is important to fabricate PeQD assemblies in solid-phase thin films, but reports of 2D PeQD SLs are limited. In this presentation, we propose a fabrication method of 2D CsPbBr3 PeQD SLs with precisely controlled electronic state coupling, and report the structural characterization and optical properties.