Presentation Information

[25p-71B-12]Spin Injection into a Noncentrosymmetric Ta/V/Nb Superconductor

〇Ryo Kawarazaki1, Ryo Iijima1, Fugo Tokoro1, Hideki Narita1, Ryusuke Hisatomi1,2, Shutaro Karube1,2, Yoichi Shiota1,2, Teruo Ono1,2 (1.ICR, Kyoto Univ., 2.CSRN, Kyoto Univ.)


superconductor,ferromagnetic resonance,spin pumping

Noncentrosymmetric superconductors have recently attracted much attention for their unique properties, such as large upper critical fields beyond the Pauli limit, magnetoelectric effects, and superconducting diode effects. Some of these superconducting properties can be attributed to the mixing of spin-singlet and spin-triplet pair correlations. The promising platform for examining superconducting pair correlations is the superconductor/ferromagnet heterostructure. One way to elucidate superconducting pairing symmetry is to investigate ferromagnetic resonance, where the precession of magnetization in the ferromagnet adjacent to the superconductor is driven by microwaves. The ferromagnetic resonance measurement is sufficiently sensitive to detect the damping of the precession associated with the dissipation of spin angular momentum. For spin-singlet superconductors, magnetic damping is sharply suppressed below the superconducting transition temperature because of their total zero spin angular momentum. In contrast, spin-triplet superconductors can carry spin angular momentum, which leads to an increase in magnetic damping below the critical temperature. The temperature dependence of magnetic damping provides insight into the superconducting pair correlations.Here, we discuss the ferromagnetic resonance of a permalloy deposited on a noncentrosymmetric Ta/V/Nb superconducting artificial lattice. We show that the magnetic damping is enhanced with decreasing temperature below the critical temperature, suggesting the existence of a spin triplet supercurrent.