Presentation Information

[25p-71B-7]Flying Qubit on the Integer Quantum Hall Edge States

Takase Shimizu1, Akira Endo2, Masayuki Hashisaka2, Taketomo Nakamura3, Jun-ichiro Ohe4, Eiki Iyoda5, 〇Shingo Katsumoto6, Micho Kumada1 (1.NTT BRL, 2.ISSP, Univ. Tokyo, 3.Fukuoka Inst. Tech., 4.Toho Univ., 5.Tokai Univ., 6.Tokyo City Univ.)


spin qubit,quantum Hall edge states,non-adiabatic transition

We introduce a method for quantum manipulation of electron spin using nonadiabatic quantum transitions when an electron wave packet propagates through a spin-split integer quantum Hall edge state. In unitary transformation, we present a method and simulation for rotating the zenith angle over the entire range by increasing non-adiabaticity. At that time, we show that the coherence length reaches 200 μm. Furthermore, when decoherence occurs due to a finite bias, we will show the oscillations that occur for the bias and their causes.