Books & Publisher
[B-3] IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing
Call for papers to JSAP and IOPP journals.
Address | 100-6208 東京都千代田区丸の内1-11-1 パシフィックセンチュリープレイス丸の内8階 |
TEL | 050-3708-9329 |
Web site, SNS | |
[B-1] Kinokuniya Company Ltd.
Kinokuniya Company Ltd.
Address | 153-8504 東京都目黒区下目黒3-7-10 |
TEL | 03-6910-0532 |
Web site, SNS | |
[B-6] MDPI Japan G.K.
MDPI Japan G.K.
Hello JSAP attendees! We are the Japan branch of MDPI, Academic Open Access Publisher, and we introduce 12 journals with their goods! Meet us at our booth!
Address | 103-0002 東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町1-5-2 CIRCLES日本橋小舟町2階 |
TEL | 03-5829-3835 |
FAX | 03-5829-3836 |
Web site, SNS | |
[B-4] Springer Nature Japan K.K.
Springer Nature Japan K.K.
Books and journals of the related topics, and flyers of the products and services.
Address | 105-6005 東京都港区虎ノ門4-3-1 城山トラストタワー5階 |
TEL | 03-4533-8264 |
Web site, SNS | |
[B-5] STRATEGIC Corporation
STRATEGIC Corporation
Address | 444-3622 愛知県岡崎市樫山町字八ツ田33-1 |
TEL | 0564-85-0055 |
Web site, SNS | |
[B-2] USACO Corporation
USACO Corporation
Overleaf, Writefull, Citavi, Multi-Sigma
Address | 106-0044 東京都港区東麻布2-17-12 |
Web site, SNS | |