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9:00 AMMar 16, 2025 12:00 AM
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Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST)

17.3 Layered materials

Shinichiro Mouri(Ritsumeikan Univ.)
17 Nanocarbon and Two-Dimensional Materials : 17.3 Layered materials
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:15 AM JST)

10.5 Application of magnetic field

Kohki Takahashi(Tohoku Univ.), Ryosuke Kusumi(Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)
10 Spintronics and Magnetics : 10.5 Application of magnetic field
Symposium (Oral)(1:30 PM - 6:05 PM JST)

Frontiers of Optical Science and Innovative Photonics

Ikufumi Katayama(Yokohama Natl. Univ.), Takumi Sannomiya(Institute of Science Tokyo), Koichiro Tanaka(Kyoto University)
Symposium : Frontiers of Optical Science and Innovative Photonics
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:45 AM JST)

6.3 Oxide electronics

Hisashi Inoue(AIST)
6 Thin Films and Surfaces : 6.3 Oxide electronics
Luncheon Seminar(12:15 PM - 12:55 PM JST)

Springer Nature

Luncheon Seminar : Springer Nature
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 10:30 AM JST)

16.2 Energy Harvesting

Takayuki Fujita(Univ. of Hyogo)
16 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Materials : 16.2 Energy Harvesting
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:45 AM JST)

17.2 Graphene

Shinji Koh(Aoyama Gakuin Univ)
17 Nanocarbon and Two-Dimensional Materials : 17.2 Graphene
Oral presentation(1:30 PM - 6:00 PM JST)

11.4 Analog applications and their related technologies

Hiroaki Myoren(Saitama Univ.), Shigehito Miki(NICT), Masanori Takeda(Shizuoka Univ.)
11 Superconductivity : 11.4 Analog applications and their related technologies
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:45 AM JST)

8.4 Plasma life sciences

Hirofumi Kurita(Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Yoshihito Yagyu(Kyushu Univ.)
8 Plasma Electronics : 8.4 Plasma life sciences
Oral presentation(1:30 PM - 4:00 PM JST)

8.4 Plasma life sciences

Yuki Yanagawa(Chiba Univ.), Shoko Tsuboyama(Tokyo University of Science)
8 Plasma Electronics : 8.4 Plasma life sciences
Oral presentation(5:15 PM - 5:45 PM JST)

8.6 Plasma Electronics English Session

Jun-Seok Oh(Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)
8 Plasma Electronics : 8.6 Plasma Electronics English Session
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST)

FS.1 Focused Session "AI Electronics"

Sang-Gyu Koh(Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.), Takashi Yoshikawa(Rapidus)
FS Focused Session "AI Electronics" : FS.1 Focused Session "AI Electronics"
Oral presentation(1:30 PM - 4:30 PM JST)

FS.1 Focused Session "AI Electronics"

Kensuke Ota(Sony Semiconductor Solutions), Takao Marukame(Hokkaido Univ.)
FS Focused Session "AI Electronics" : FS.1 Focused Session "AI Electronics"
Oral presentation(1:30 PM - 6:30 PM JST)

9.1 Dielectrics, ferroelectrics

Takaaki Morimoto(National Defence Academy), Hiroki Matsuo(熊本大), Manabu Hagiwara(Keio University), Yuka Takagi(Tokyo Univ. of Science)
9 Applied Materials Science : 9.1 Dielectrics, ferroelectrics
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:45 AM JST)

9.3 Nanoelectronics

Shigeru Imai(立命館大), Kensaku Chida(NTT)
9 Applied Materials Science : 9.3 Nanoelectronics
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:30 AM JST)

16.3 Bulk, thin-film and other silicon-based solar cells

Yasuyoshi Kurokawa(Nagoya Univ.), Shinsuke Miyajima(Tokyo Tech)
16 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Materials : 16.3 Bulk, thin-film and other silicon-based solar cells
Oral presentation(1:30 PM - 5:15 PM JST)

16.3 Bulk, thin-film and other silicon-based solar cells

Tomihisa Tachibana(AIST), Yu Kawano(Ritsumeikan Univ.)
16 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Materials : 16.3 Bulk, thin-film and other silicon-based solar cells
Oral presentation(1:30 PM - 4:15 PM JST)

3.12 Semiconductor optical devices

Yasuhiko Ishikawa(Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Toshimasa Umezawa(NICT)
3 Optics and Photonics : 3.12 Semiconductor optical devices
Oral presentation(10:00 AM - 11:15 AM JST)

9.4 Thermoelectric conversion

Takafumi Ishibe(Osaka Univ.)
9 Applied Materials Science : 9.4 Thermoelectric conversion
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:30 AM JST)

15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Tomoyuki Tanikawa(Osaka Univ.), Hideaki Murotani(Tokuyama College)
15 Crystal Engineering : 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 5:30 PM JST)

15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Ryota Ishii(Kyoto Univ.), Daichi Imai(Meijo Univ.), Kazuki Ohnishi(Mie University)
15 Crystal Engineering : 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 5:15 PM JST)

12.6 Nanobiotechnology

Takahito Ohshiro(Osaka Univ.), Yusuke Arima(Kyusyu Univ.), Hayamizu Yuhei(Institute of Science Tokyo)
12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics : 12.6 Nanobiotechnology
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:30 AM JST)

CS.7 Code-sharing Session of 12.6 & 12.7

Toshiya Sakata(Univ. of Tokyo), Koji Toma(Shibaura Inst Technol)
CS Code-sharing session : 【CS.7】Code-sharing Session of 12.6 & 12.7
Oral presentation(9:30 AM - 11:15 AM JST)

6.2 Carbon-based thin films

Toru Harigai(Gifu Univ.)
6 Thin Films and Surfaces : 6.2 Carbon-based thin films
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 4:45 PM JST)

12.7 Biomedical Engineering and Biochips

Toshihiko Noda(Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Hideaki Yamamoto(Tohoku Univ.), Kiyotaka Sasagawa(NAIST)
12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics : 12.7 Biomedical Engineering and Biochips
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:30 AM JST)

12.5 Organic and hybrid solar cells

Hiroyuki Kanda(産総研), Yutaka Matsuo(名大)
12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics : 12.5 Organic and hybrid solar cells
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 5:00 PM JST)

12.5 Organic and hybrid solar cells

Toshinori Matsushima(Kyushu Univ.), Hideo Ohkita(Kyoto Univ.), Ryosuke Nishikubo(Osaka Univ.)
12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics : 12.5 Organic and hybrid solar cells
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 5:45 PM JST)

12.3 Functional Materials and Novel Devices

Akito Masuhara(Yamagata Univ.), Komino Takeshi(Univ. Hyogo)
12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics : 12.3 Functional Materials and Novel Devices
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 3:30 PM JST)

KS.1 Solid State Quantum Sensor Group

Toshu An(JAIST), Yuta Masuyama(量子科学技術研究開発機構)
KS Sessions organized by JSAP's Professional Group : KS.1 Solid State Quantum Sensor Group
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 5:00 PM JST)

6.4 Thin films and New materials

Masaki Nakano(Shibaura Inst. of Tech. ), Katayama Tsukasa(Hokkaido Univ)
6 Thin Films and Surfaces : 6.4 Thin films and New materials
Oral presentation(10:00 AM - 11:30 AM JST)

6.6 Probe Microscopy

Yoichi Otsuka(Osaka Univ.)
6 Thin Films and Surfaces : 6.6 Probe Microscopy
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:30 AM JST)

23.1 Joint Session N "Informatics"

Ryoji Asahi(Nagoya Univ.), Hirotaka Yonezawa(PFCC)
23 Joint Session N "Informatics" : 23.1 Joint Session N "Informatics"
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 5:45 PM JST)

23.1 Joint Session N "Informatics"

Yukari Katsura(NIMS), Yasuhiko Igarashi(Tsukuba Univ.), Shun Muroga(AIST)
23 Joint Session N "Informatics" : 23.1 Joint Session N "Informatics"
Oral presentation(9:00 AM - 11:45 AM JST)

3.6 Laser processing

Masayuki Okoshi(防衛大), Yusuke Ito(Univ. Tokyo)
3 Optics and Photonics : 3.6 Laser processing
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 6:30 PM JST)

3.6 Laser processing

Hiroyuki Wada(Tokyo Tech), Shigeki Matsuo(Shibaura Institute of Technology), Godai Miyaji(TUAT), Takuro Tomita(Tokushima Univ.)
3 Optics and Photonics : 3.6 Laser processing
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 5:30 PM JST)

CS.1 Code-sharing Session of 2.3 & 7.4

Toshio Seki(Kyoto Univ.), Yasuhito Gotoh(Kyoto Univ.), Hiroyuki Matsuzaki(University of Tokyo), Takeyama Mirei(山形大)
CS Code-sharing session : 【CS.1】Code-sharing Session of 2.3 & 7.4
Oral presentation(1:00 PM - 2:45 PM JST)

3.11 Nanoscale optical science and near-field optics

Hayato Saigo(Nagahama Inst. Bio-Sci. Tech.), Kazuya Okamura(Chubu Univ.)
3 Optics and Photonics : 3.11 Nanoscale optical science and near-field optics
Poster presentation(9:30 AM - 11:30 AM JST)

3.3 Biomedical optics

3 Optics and Photonics : 3.3 Biomedical optics
Poster presentation(1:30 PM - 3:30 PM JST)

8.3 Plasma nanotechnology

8 Plasma Electronics : 8.3 Plasma nanotechnology
Poster presentation(9:30 AM - 11:30 AM JST)

3.8 Terahertz technologies

3 Optics and Photonics : 3.8 Terahertz technologies
Poster presentation(4:00 PM - 6:00 PM JST)

6.1 Ferroelectric thin films

6 Thin Films and Surfaces : 6.1 Ferroelectric thin films
Poster presentation(4:00 PM - 6:00 PM JST)

6.2 Carbon-based thin films

6 Thin Films and Surfaces : 6.2 Carbon-based thin films
Poster presentation(4:00 PM - 6:00 PM JST)

6.5 Surface Physics, Vacuum

6 Thin Films and Surfaces : 6.5 Surface Physics, Vacuum
Poster presentation(4:00 PM - 6:00 PM JST)

6.6 Probe Microscopy

6 Thin Films and Surfaces : 6.6 Probe Microscopy
Poster presentation(4:00 PM - 6:00 PM JST)

13.3 Insulator technology

13 Semiconductors : 13.3 Insulator technology
Poster presentation(4:00 PM - 6:00 PM JST)

13.9 Compound solar cells

13 Semiconductors : 13.9 Compound solar cells