Session Details

建設ロボット・自動化 (4)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Manabu Takeishi

[VI-112]Automated Operation of Construction Machinery Using Robot Management Platform

*Naoya Fujimoto1, Manabu Takeishi1, Keisuke Ito1, Sikemoto Kusida2, Masao Aoyama2, Naoki Omachi2, Taisei Siga3, Ryousuke Kitano3, Tosihiro Simodate4, Yuki Higashi4, Haru Sakai4 (1. HAZAMA ANDO CORPORATION, 2. SAKAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES , LTD., 3. JIGSAW, Inc., 4. BIPROGY Inc.)

[VI-113]Development of an Automated Recognition Robot for Wet Conditions on Concrete Slabs
- Building a System Using Optical Sensor and Autonomous Mobile Robot -

*Takayuki Masuda1 (1. Okumura Corp.)

[VI-114]Rationalized Construction System for Protective Concrete Construction in Trapezoidal CSG Dam with Curved Section

*Takaki Shima1, Takaya Matsumoto1, Atsushi Oi1, Yusaku Fujita1, Katsuya Takahashi1, Hideo Tan1 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[VI-115]Application of Network Style Unmanned Construction System for embankment construction site

*Yoshito Takeshita1, Tsubasa Asuma1, Daiki Nakasuga1 (1. Kumagai Gumi Co.,Ltd.)

[VI-116]Evaluation of the Automatic Traveling Technology at the Construction Site - Comparison of the Two Systems , Which We have Developed -

*Tsubasa Asuma1, Hironobu Hatamoto1, Shigeo Kitahara1, Yoshito Takeshita1 (1. Kumagai Gumi Co., Ltd.)

[VI-117]Field demonstration of wireless emergency stop system
-On-site verification at the “Construction Machinery Construction Automation and Autonomy Council”-

*Michio Tamura1, Tomoya Ichimura1, Toshihiro Yamada2 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION, 2. TAISEI ROTEC CORPORATION)