Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Hiromi Seo

[CS4-06]Requests to the Government or Companies Regarding the Activities of Civil Engineer after Retirement

*Yukiyo Yamasaki1, Mari Takahashi, Yoko Shibutani3, Takeshi Kuroda2 (1. Public Works Research Institute, 2. Nippon Koei Business Partners Co., Ltd., 3. TOYO Construction Co., Ltd.)

[CS4-07]Study on Actual Condition of Foreign Engineers Working in the Japanese Construction Industry ~ Part 4 Results of the Study ~

*Ha Thi1, Ashish Shrestha2, Ji Dang3, Cuiping Liu4, Masayuki Oura5 (1. Nippon Koei Co.Ltd, 2. Hazama Ando Corporation, 3. Graduate School of Science and Engineering Saitama University , 4. Asunaro Aoki Construction Co., Ltd., 5. Chodai Co., Ltd.)

[CS4-08]Promote autonomous human resource development and inclusion through dialogue -Pacific Consultants 1on1 (Part4)-

*Reiko Iijima1 (1. Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd.)

[CS4-09]Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in JSCE

*Ken Yoneyama1 (1. CTI Engineering Co., Ltd.)

[CS4-10]An interview survey to reveal women civil engineers’ experience in tunneling sites

*Kiko Yamada-Kawai1,5, Tomomi Abe2, Ayako Takenouchi3, Ken Yoneyama4 (1. Social Designers Base, Inc., 2. Okumura Corporation, 3. Kajima Corporation, 4. CTI Engineering Co., Ltd., 5. Regional Future Research Center)