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[P1-03-21]Transcriptome Analysis of HBV-related Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Long-Read Sequencing

Ko Ikemoto1, Arisa Igarashi1, Wittawin Worakitchanon1, Pyae Aye Chan1, Fangling Fan1, Hidewaki Nakagawa2, Nao Nishida3, Masashi Mizokami3, Katsushi Tokunaga4, Akihiro Fujimoto1 (1.Department of Human Genetics, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2.Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Riken, 3.Genome Medical Science Project, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, 4.Genome Medical Science Project-Toyama, National Center for Global Health and Medicine)

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