Presentation Information
[10-02]3D tumour-on-chip models developed by laser processing to test cancer cell behaviour
*Felix Sima1,2, Kotaro Obata2, Mirai Hanzawa2, Hiroyuki Kawano2, Alexandra Bran1,3, Florin Jipa1, Laura Ionel1, Stefana Orobeti1,4, Livia Sima4, Emanuel Axente1, Koji Sugioka2 (1. INFLPR, CETAL (Romania), 2. RIKEN, Center for Advanced Photonics (Japan), 3. National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (Romania), 4. Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy (Romania))
subtractive femtosecond laser assisted etching,additive two photon polymerization,tumour-on-chip models,cancer research