Presentation Information
[46-04]Bessel Beam-Driven Photolithography: Development of a Process Chain for Flexible and Fast Surface Structuring with Submicron Precision
*Martin Osbild1, Benny Ku2,3, Noah Schürholz1, Robin Gaas1, Simon Goldmann1, Chih-Chi Huang2,3, Ulrich Plachetka2, Max C. Lemme2,3, Serhiy Danylyuk1 (1. Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT (Germany), 2. Advanced Microelectronic Center Aachen (AMICA), AMO GmbH (Germany), 3. RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Electronic Devices (Germany))
UV laser,Bessel beam,Photolithography,RIE,Tool structuring