Session Details

HPL 1: E-Mobility

Tue. Jun 10, 2025 1:20 PM - 3:10 PM JST
Tue. Jun 10, 2025 4:20 AM - 6:10 AM UTC
Room 4(4F)

[4-01]Challenges and Limits at Laser Welding of Copper for E-Mobility Applications - A Fundamental Understanding of Pore Formation

*Andreas Heider1, Lukas Alter1 (1. Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany))

[4-02]Pure copper layer formation on aluminum nitride by multi beam laser
metal deposition with blue direct diode laser

*Masaya Suwa1, Shingo UNO1, Koji TOJO1, Koji KOBAYASHI2, Hideyo OSANAI2,
 Jumpei TOKUMOTO3, Keisuke TAKENAKA3, Yuji SATO3, Masahiro TSUKAMOTO3 (1. Shimadzu Corporation (Japan), 2. DOWA POWAR DEVICE Co., Ltd. (Japan), 3. Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University (Japan))

[4-03]High speed welding of copper wires by high-power coaxial blue-IR hybrid laser with galvanometer scanner

*Toshifumi Kikuchi1,2, Rikuto Kokubo1, Toyoyuki Kondo2, Hisanori Kaminaga2, Masao Watanabe2, Hiroshi Ikenoue3, Daisuke Nakamura1 (1. kyusyu University (Japan), 2. Tamari Industry Co., Ltd (Japan), 3. Kochi University of Technology (Japan))

[4-04]Study on the application of thin foil welding using wobble and doughnut beam

*Danbi Songr1, Sujin Lee1, Jungsoo Choi1 (1. Department of Industrial Laser Technology, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM) (Korea))

[4-05]Performance Evaluation of High Power Density Blue Laser for Insulation Removal of Rectangular Magnet Wire

*Taiki Kurokawa1 (1. FURUKAWA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (Japan))